Geographical Indication (GI) Tagged Products of Nagaland

What is geographical indication (GI) ?

A geographical indication (GI) is a name or sign used on products which corresponds to a specific geographical location or origin (e.g., a town, region, or country). The use of a geographical indication, as an indication of the product’s source, acts as a certification that the product possesses certain qualities, is made according to traditional methods, or enjoys a good reputation due to its geographical origin.

Geographical Indication (GI) Tagged Products of Nagaland

As of July 2021, Nagaland has only three products registered for geographical indication (GI)  tag. They are: Naga Mircha (King Chilli), Naga Tree Tomato, Chakshesang Shawl.

Details of the geographical indication (GI) tagged products from Nagaland are listed below:

Naga Mircha

Geographical Indications : Naga Mircha
Status :Registered
Applicant Name :The Secretary, Department of Horticulture & Agriculture
Date of Filing :22-08-2007
Class :31
Goods :Agriculture
Geographical Area :Nagaland
Priority Country :India
Application Number:109
Certificate Number :99
Certificate Date :02-12-2003
Registration Valid Upto :21-08-2027

Naga Tree Tomato

Geographical Indications : Naga Tree Tomato
Geographical Indications : Naga Tree Tomato 
Status : Registered  
Applicant Name : NER Agricultural Marketing Corporation Ltd (NERAMAC) 
Date of Filing : 27-01-2012 
Class : 31 
Goods : Horticulture Product (Tomato) 
Geographical Area : Nagaland 
Priority Country : India 
Application Number: 374 
Certificate Number : 220 
Certificate Date : 23-03-2015 
Registration Valid Upto : 26-01-2022


Chakhesang Shawls

Chakhesang Shawls Geographical Indication GI Logo
Geographical Indications  : Chakhesang Shawls
Status  : Registered 
Applicant Name  : Chakhesang Women Welfare Society
Date of Filing  : 01-01-2016
Class  : 24, 25 & 27
Goods  : Textiles
Geographical Area  : Nagaland
Priority Country  : India
Application Number : 542
Certificate Number  : 301
Certificate Date  : 24-10-2017
Registration Valid Upto  : 31-12-2025

You can search status of geographical indication (GI) products at IPINDIA‘s website.

There are other applications found on the GI Registry for Naga products namely – Naga Cucumber, Naga Angami Shawl, Naga Ao Shawl, Naga Sumi Shawl. However they are labelled ‘Abandoned‘ possibly due to deficiencies in meeting requirements or other formalities in the process. So at the moment, there are only three (3) products from Nagaland tagged with geographical indication (GI).

Learn More:

  1. GI Application Register
  2. GI Registration Process
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