
This website ‘www.nagalandgk.com‘ is created with the intent to put out interesting information on various topics covering Nagaland and to engage anyone in learning about Nagaland through exciting quizzes. Nagaland GK is not associated with or does not represent any institution. This website was created because there was no such online resource covering diverse topics on Nagaland then (may be there are now).

While the objective of this website is not to target students or candidates aspiring to appear for exams, we are glad to receive many positive feedback from aspiring candidates as well.  We are thankful for your words of encouragement and positive feedbacks. If you are referring to this website for serious exams, do refer other sources as well – not because information here would be unreliable, but for cross-checking and cross-reference. Still, consume information on this website at your own discretion.

Though we strive to keep the information as accurate as possible, still, if there are errors, kindly do feel free to correct us. You can write to us at info@nagalandgk.com.

The contents on this website covers:

  • MCQ Quizzes on various topics of interest on Nagaland GK viz. Nagaland Geography, Economy, Politics, Administration, Art & Culture, Who is who, Current Affairs etc.
  • Past NPSC question paper quizzes
  • Various important articles on Nagaland

Anyone is free to use the website and participate in quizzes. You can also subscribe to new quizzes by filling up the subscribe form in the home page.

We hope you find it useful.

For any suggestions or queries, reach us at:

