About Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency
- The Government of Nagaland notified its Bamboo Policy on 15th March 2004.
- The Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency was established to pursue and implement the policy initiative of the State Bamboo Policy.
- The Agency is an autonomous body registered as a society under the Government of Nagaland under the Societies Registration Act.
- The agency is headed by a governing body under the chairmanship of the Hon’ble Chief Minister of the State
- Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency has been approved by the Sanctioning Committee (MSDE) to be a training provider in the NE region on bamboo.
The agency as mandated is implementing bamboo development programmes and projects with the assistance of the central Government of India through the National Bamboo Mission and the National Mission on Bamboo Applications, the State Government and also institutions both from within the country and aboard. The implementation of the programmes and projects are being taken up in a mission mode.

Aims and objectives of Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency:
Keeping in view, the ecological significance and vast economic potential of bamboos in the state, the Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency as envisaged in the Nagaland Bamboo Policy will aspire to achieve the following Aims & Objectives:
a)Protection & conservation of rich bio-diversity associated with bamboo forests and bamboo growth areas in the state.
b)Sustainable development and utilization of bamboo resources through scientific management.
c)Promotion of bamboo plantation (by Government, Individuals and communities) as they key thrust area for future economy of the state.
d)Promotion of bamboo based industries for utilizing the available resources for generating income.
e)Revitalization and promotion of local traditional bamboo craft & art with improved technology & design and value addition for export through industrialized mode of production.
f)Promotion of bamboo as an essential wood substitute by increasing bamboo production and promotion of bamboo based enterprise in the state in order to reduce pressure on forests.
g)Promotion of awareness and understanding of bamboo as “Green Gold” among farmers, traders, industry, and the people in the state with a view to utilizing its full potential and to galvanize the rural and industrial economy in the state.
h)Effective exploitation of existing mature bamboos before the impending gregarious flowering.
Key Objectives:
The Development of Bamboo in Nagaland will be approached in a Mission mode, which shall have two approaches namely:
a)Development of Bamboo as a Resource
b)Development of Bamboo as an Enterprise
Activities of Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency:
• Awareness generation and community sensitization – Formation of bamboo clusters and Village Bamboo Development Committees.
• Skill up-gradation, trainings and capacity building.
• Technology sourcing and dissemination.
• Undertake scientifically managed bamboo plantation of commercially viable bamboo species focus to areas with proper road connectivity in place.
• Support value added entrepreneurial activity by way of soft loans/grants and infrastructure developments.
• Undertaking pilot enterprise projects through Public Private Participation.
• Revitalizing handicrafts with new design and technology.
• Market networking and development.
• Establishment of series of primary processing units in the cluster areas in close proximity to the resource base. (Integrated cluster development with one cluster one product approach).
• Promotion of bamboo high-end structural applications for bamboo constructions.
Nagaland Bamboo Resource Centre (NBRC)

Nagaland Bamboo Resource Centre (NBRC) is an establishment setup by Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency at Dimapur, the commercial hub of Nagaland. The Centre is located in an area measuring 28.54 acres of land.
The Centre was conceptualize to introduce and disseminate bamboo cultivation and processing technology, develop entrepreneurial skill, undertake research and developmental activities, and facilitates the institutionalization of bamboo development as an industry. The centre also caters to bamboo Research and Development works and undertakes bamboo development training programmes supported with a fully furnished and functional 50 bedded trainees hostel and an educational conference hall.
The NBRC also functions as an ‘Incubation” centre where the entrepreneurs learn and mature in production techniques and marketing their products. The agency has already conducted a number of training programmes in this centre.
Facilities and technologies set up at the NBRC:
1. A Vegetative propagation nursery with 8.00 lakhs seedling capacity
2. Demonstrative Bamboo Charcoal production kilns in different technologies.
3. Charcoal briquette unit.
4. Bamboo Treatment Plant (Vacuum Pressure Impregnation Plant).
5. Bamboo Stick and Bamboo Sliver production line.
6. Bamboo product drying unit.
7. 120 Kw Bamboo Gasifier unit.
8. Venetian Blind weaving unit.
9. Bamboo fiber sanitary pads production unit.
10. Bamboo handicraft emporia cum consignment sale depot.
11. Bamboo setum cum park.
12. Mini bamboo estate with 10 (ten) working sheds.
13. Children’s park.
14. Green Circle, the Bamboo Amphitheater.
15. Bamboo Exhibition and sales area with 16 inbuilt stalls.
16. A conference hall.
17. A fully furnished 50 bedded trainee’s hostel with separate dormitory for ladies
Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency
Nagaland Bamboo Resource Centre Complex,
6th Mile, Dimapur, Nagaland
Contact: +91-3862-241696, +91-3862-240217
email: nagaland_bda@yahoo.com
Facebook Page – Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency
For more information on Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency, click here.